Starter Feeding Ratios

Starter Feeding Ratios
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Let’s talk feeding ratios!
Have you heard the terms 1:1:1 ratio? 1:2:2? 1:5:5? Does this leave you confused? You’re not alone! Every new sourdough baker seems to have this confusion.
These are simply the ratios of starter to flour and water. So a 1:1:1 feeding has equal amount in grams of each of these things. For example, 50g starter, 50g flour and 50g water. When you use this ratio, the amount of starter is as much as the other ingredients so it will go through the “food” a lot faster. On average, this feeding will double in 4-6 hours.
A 1:2:2 ratio has more flour and water than starter. The starter will go through the “food” a lot slower. For example, 25g starter, 50g flour and 50g water. When you feed this ratio, it will take longer to double - perhaps, 6-8 hours.
A 1:5:5 feeding has even more flour and water compared to the amount of starter. For example, 10g starter, 50g four and 50g water. This starter will go through the “food” at an even slower rate, say 10-12 hours.
So when feeding your starter, keep in mind when you would like it to peak and be ready for use. Then feed accordingly. Need it soon, feed 1:1:1. Need it in 12 hours, feed 1:5:5.Bulk Fermentation Guide
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