In the world of baking, which city is renowned for its long-standing love affair with sourdough bread, so much so that its residents even named their NFL football mascot after it? Answer at the bottom of this blog.
How You Can Make Easy Pizza Crust with 100% Discard! 🍕👍
“It's the best pizza I've ever had.” – Grandma Margaret
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Finding what to do with discard can be tough if you're regularly feeding your starter. You may wind up with large amounts of discard, and many recipes only call for 100g-200g for things like hamburger buns.
Enter this fast, easy way to make super yummy pizza crust and your discard storage problems are over!
Our first several attempts at Sourdough Crust pizza were a bust! We tried a few recipes using some discard and flours, but none were as good as my previous yeast dough I made for pizza. I was determined to keep trying and find a way to make a good crust without yeast.
Then one day I came across a post that said to just pour the discard itself into a preheated Lodge Cast Iron pan. It worked great and was the best crust yet! When I attempted to duplicate it, I ran into a few more hurdles, and have since modified my methods to get more duplicatable (and yummy!) results.
Now when we make pizza, we plan ahead. Even just a couple of hours is plenty of time. I set my discard out so it comes to room temperature. This makes it much easier to pour. We don’t add any flour to the discard – much easier and it’s a great way to use up a lot of discard.
Before you begin, have all your pizza sauce and toppings ready to go. That way when your pizza crust is baked, you can quickly place the toppings on it and cook your pizza.
After all, you don't want to make all those hungry family and friends wait!
Preheat a large cast iron pan to 450ºF. Remove the pan from the oven and pour in about 2 Tbsp olive oil. Spread the oil evenly by turning the pan.
If your discard is thick, you can thin it with water to a pancake batter consistency (If you didn't set your discard out to warm up, it will be thicker and will pour more slowly.) Use a little water at a time until it gets to be like pourable pancake batter.
Season 1-2 cups of discard with a small amount of salt, Italian seasoning, and granulated garlic. Pour the seasoned discard into the bottom of the hot cast iron pan until the discard is about 1/4" thick. (For a 10" cast iron pan this will be about 1 cup of discard. For a larger pan, use more.) Turn the pan to coat the bottom. If you prefer, you can just shake the seasonings over the discard in the pan instead of mixing them in with the discard ahead of time. You can use a rubber scraper or silicon brush if necessary to spread the discard evenly over the bottom of the pan.
Return the pan to the oven and bake it about 10 minutes (may be shorter or longer, depending on your oven and environment). Flip the crust and bake another 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, keeping the crust in the pan.
This is where a little advanced planning comes in handy (and where the fun begins!).
Place your desired sauces and toppings on the pizza. Feel free to load it up!
Return the pan to the oven and bake your pizza for about another 8 minutes until the cheese is melted and the meats are crispy. Depending on your toppings and oven, you may need a few more minutes. This step is just to get your toppings as you like them.
Remove it from the oven, slide pizza onto a cutting board and slice it. Everyone can’t wait to carve up their pizza with my husband’s Viking Pizza Cutter Axe. Enjoy!
We have since had a build-your-own-pizza night. I preheated 3 Lodge Cast Iron pans and 3 Pampered Chef Stoneware Pans. Thankfully I have two ovens, but you could also use grills, Traeger Wood Pellet Grills, etc. for additional cooking options. We lined the toppings up on my island and put trivets out along the way so the hot pans wouldn’t touch the island surface. Everyone was given a set of oven mitts, and moved their pan along the topping assembly line. It was a fun way to allow everyone to make their own personal sourdough pizza!
💡 Answer to Trivia Question:
San Francisco. The NFL's San Francisco 49ers mascot is named Sourdough Sam.
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